Car v. Pedestrian Accidents Safety Checklist for Halloween

According to U.S. Census data, there are about 41 million potential trick-or-treaters between the ages of 5 and 14. Add that statistic to the fact that in 2010, 41 percent of all highway fatalities across the nation on Halloween night (6 p.m. Oct. 31 to 5:59 a.m. Nov. 1) involved a driver or a motorcycle rider with a BAC of .08 or higher, Halloween night requires added attention to safety to all those walking from house to house.
According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation, in four out of six years between 2006 and 2010, more pedestrians under the age of 21 were killed by cars on Oct. 31 than on Oct. 30 or Nov. 1. Taking steps now and remembering them on Halloween night can prevent a pedestrian vs. car accident.
Here a few tips to reduce car v. pedestrian accidents this Halloween from Saint Louis personal injury lawyer Michelle Funkenbusch:
1. Carry a flashlight or glowstick and wear glow-in-the-dark necklaces or attach reflective tape to costumes, wagons, and bags.
2. Loose fitting clothing and oversized shoes can trip a trick-or-treater when crossing the street, so they should practice walking/running in their costume safely. Cut any costumes shorter if necessary.
3. Pirate swords and masks are cool, but are dangerous and masks can obscure vision. Thus, leave the swords at home (or make one from a poster board and aluminum foil) and use face paint instead of masks.
4. Remind kids to cross at crosswalks or at a corner with you. They should also always make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the street and ALWAYS look left, right and left again.
5. For parents and kids, take out the headphones and no texting and walking especially when crossing the road.
6. Avoid the decorative contact lenses — they could blur your vision at night.
7. Many car accidents happen when a vehicle is pulling out of a driveway; kids should always look for cars when walking by a driveway.
8. Stay with a group as you and your children are more visible.
9. In urban areas, make sure children understand they cannot dart out between cars and that they may not see oncoming traffic.
Halloween trick-or-treaters need to be careful, but so do drivers. Drivers need to know that kids will be out of the streets looking for candy and not looking for cars. Avoid a car accident with a child by increasing your look-out for pedestrians. A few extra seconds could prevent a pedestrian vs. car accident!!!
Prepare now to have a safe and enjoyable Halloween. Be safe and watch out for those who aren’t!